Dynamic Data

Guest information

#FIRST_NAME#First name of the guest
#LAST_NAME#Last name of the guest
#FULL_NAME#First name plus last name of the guest
#EMAIL#Email of the guest
#PHONE#The guests phone number
#ZIPCODE#The guests zipcode

Restaurant information

#RESTAURANT_ADDRESS#The restaurants address
#RESTAURANT_CITY#The city the restaurant is located in
#RESTAURANT_VAT#VAT number of the restaurant
#RESTAURANT_COUNTRY#The country the restaurant is located in
#RESTAURANT_EMAIL#Contact email of the restaurant
#RESTAURANT_HOMEPAGE#The restaurants website
#RESTAURANT_PHONE#Contact phone number of the restaurant
#RESTAURANT_ZIPCODE#The zipcode the restaurant is located in
#RESTAURANT_NAME#Name of the restaurant

Booking information

#AREA_NAME#Name of the Area
#NUMBER_OF_GUESTS#Number of guests for the booking
#BOOK_DAY#Numeric number of the day for the booking
#BOOK_DAY_NAME#The name of the day for the booking
#BOOK_TIME#Time of arrival
#BOOK_TIME_AMPM#Time of arrival in AM / PM time
#BOOK_HOUR#Arrival hour of the booking
#BOOK_HOUR_END#End hour of the booking
#BOOK_HOUR_END_SUB15#End hour of the booking deducting 15 min*
#BOOK_MIN#Arrival minute of the booking
#BOOK_MIN_END#End minute of the booking
#BOOK_MIN_END_SUB15#End minute of the booking deducting 15 min*
#BOOK_ENDTIME#The end time of the booking
#BOOK_MONTH#Numeric number for the booking month
#BOOK_MONTH_NAME#Name of the month for the booking
#BOOK_YEAR#Year of the booking
#BOOK_LENGTH#The length of the booking in minutes
#BOOK_COMMENT#The guests online comment
#CUSTOM_BOOK_LENGTH_NAME#Add the title for the Booking Concept the guest selected in the onling booking
*Must have SUB15 in both hour and min to work