Make your text messages personal

Like email templates, you’ll also find SMS templates in the administration tab, which you can edit in the same way. However, keep in mind that an SMS max can fill 160 characters. Do you cross this, you send out two SMSs, which can be expensive in the long run (guests will receive it as one).

All templates can be modified. Confirmation and Reminder are active as default, but the rest should be activated first, before they are sent to the guests.

In the Message box, you can edit the text to suit your communication tone.
To give the guests the best experience, the text should match the tone from you website, and how you talk in the restaurant.

If you are a more casual place, replace Dear with Hi, and delete the last name.
If all your bookings are for the next couple of month, consider if Year adding value or its unecessary information.

The hashtag codes are information taken from somewhere else in the system.
Dont write between the hashtags. If you want to delete some dynamaic data, delete everything from hashtag to hashtag.
More dynamic data codes can be found in the top right corner. For explanations, please go to: Dynamic Data

Remember to edit the message on all enabled languages

How to enable/disable the templates

To enable or disable a template, simply go to the template you want to change.
Then click the slider to the right to enable, or to the left to disable.
Scroll down, and Save the template